Kosher Restaurant revenue & Profit Growth

Young brother and sister team want to reboot a Kosher-dairy pizza joint into a Venezuelan kosher-dairy restaurant in Orthodox Jewish community. Additionally wish to build catering plan.

Every aspect of business needs to be reset to meet most basic restaurant benchmarks and restaurant business model. Labor costs, food costs were at 52% and 42% respectively. Demand is strong for their food and quality, but revenue growth is outpacing healthy business growth. Desire to add on-site catering and off-site party planning.

Train owners the basics of restaurant ownership — benchmarks, food costs, scheduling, training and revenue projections. Monthly visits and weekly meeting led to redesigning kitchen for better flow, improve product quality, build a website for online ordering, dining, and catering business. All improvement led to a successful position as a kosher dairy Venezuelan restaurant with onsite and offsite catering.

Owner reap a healthy 10% profit in first year. Revenue expanded by 25% year over year for three years, and is in top 7 restaurants in the community.

For more information, contact Martha Lucius at [email protected].

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