E-Commerce Deli Slicing Production Set up


Large deli slicing operation was looking to overhaul production processes and facility layout in a new plant environment while enhancing food safety, quality, and gain labor efficiencies.

High volume production setting with 10K daily packs distributed over a 150+ SKU base combined with a short order lead time (online just-in-time production environment) including same day delivery provided an interesting setting for this optimization opportunity.

We approached the solution in a 2-pronged methodology:

(1) Production Floor Organization / Equipment Selection & Workstation Design

Designed an efficient, ergonomic workstation setup, strategic conveyor automation and the appropriate combination of high-volume machinery and hand slicers allowed us to create an optimal environment that can absorb the just-in-time production demand (wave-by-wave).

(2) Production Wave Logic Changes in their ERP System

Logical combination of smaller waves into just 10 to 15 which allowed for a huge reduction in the amount of labor needed to fulfill the overall production requirements.

Gained over 25% packs per hour efficiency while being able to scale up for future demand. Strategic quality and design improvements minimized mis-labeled products and improved self-life by optimizing inbound material flow.

For more information, contact Michael Stark at 917-397-1837 or [email protected].

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