Consumer Product Magic Spoon


Magic Spoon wanted to re-formulate their core flavors for cost optimization and scaled performance at third-party manufacturing.


The product needed a redesign of the cereal base to improve texture, and product stability in milk and avoid infringing on existing process patents.


Starting with the core flavors we focused on the reduction of off-flavors contributed by the existing flavor system and improved shelf stability, we designed a parent-child configuration for the coating/flavor system, while optimizing functional aspects of the coating system – improved color saturation, multi-color formats where applicable, multi-use base flavors for multiple SKU offerings improved color and flavor bleed – reminiscent of leading mainstream cereal brands. At conclusion – clear formula ownership rights by developing patentable Intellectual Property for the brand.


Magic Spoon received Time Magazine’s award for Best Invention of 2021

For more information, contact Mark Haas at 510-671-8300 or [email protected].

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