Bitter Begone! Invoking Natural Chemistry for Better Cannabis Flavor


Every edibles maker knows that cannabis/hemp extracts impart bitter flavors, which can be very off-putting for consumers. Gummies, chocolates, beverages, and confectionery each present unique problems when it comes to bitterness—meaning you need a lot of formulation expertise to get ahead of any issues.


Bitterness is complex. Humans have ~25 different taste receptors for bitterness. So even the most conscientious manufacturer using peak-purity extracts must contend with bitterness, because the molecular structure of cannabinoids makes them inherently bitter.

Balancing bitterness can require time-consuming batch testing—and even the best balanced recipe might not do much for the lingering bitter aftertaste. Which leads many edibles developers to turn to bitterness masking.

However a lot of the products marketed as “bitterness masking” ingredients are ineffective for cannabinoids—or at best only partially so. Which might result in sending you back to the drawing board if a product doesn’t work as promised. Costing more time and money.


At Elevated Edibles, Dr. Alan decided to draw upon his flavor chemistry and sensory science experience to solve the problem once and for all. He sourced every natural bitterness-masking ingredient with any promise, and designed a comprehensive screening experiment to test each ingredient (separately and in blends) and then formally analyzed the massive amount of data.

With the results, he created a proprietary all-natural bitterness-masking blend that verifiably outcompetes any other product on the market.


Effectively masking bitterness allows edibles creators to focus singularly on quality of flavor and texture to enrich their customers’ lives. It means they don’t have to compensate by adding more sugar or worse (e.g., high-fructose corn syrup) letting them offer healthier edibles. And because our bitterness masking blend is naturally derived, edibles manufacturers like you can still market clean-label products. On top of that, it’s only available to Elevated clients—which sets you apart from anyone using inferior masking.

For more information, contact Alan McClure at [email protected].

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