Project Management


Develop three new snack food line extension items without capital expense. The products must have acceptance scores equal to the average of the three highest initial varieties.


The key to the program was strong Project Management, co-ordinating the efforts of R&D, Marketing, Operations, Purchasing and Packaging Development functions. The formula development programs for the three new varieties were kept on the same timeline to reduce resource requirements. Marketing and R&D developed a joint test protocol based on ANOVA evaluation of flavor system options. Process Development and Operations focused on maintaining product/ equipment compatibility. Package Design broke out the new package design into pre- and post-formula identification sections allowing long lead-time items to be started before final graphics could be generated. Purchasing and R&D co-ordinated initial supplies of materials for plant testing, sales samples and start-up.


The program was completed in less than seven months including all consumer testing, sales sample production and start-up of the three new varieties. Performance of the three new varieties surpassed initial targets and ranks in the top five out of the 12 SKU product line. Product sales increases by 30%.

For more information, contact Barry Weinstein at 714-526-8165 or [email protected].

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